On being the patient people of God: Freedom of religion, Christian conscientious objection, and the call to patient holiness in today’s world by Martin Davie
ISBN: 978-1-8381828-5-4
550 pages/Paperback
RRP £14.95 / $20.00
In this comprehensive and detailed new study Martin Davie looks at the key issue of freedom of religion from a theological, historical and pastoral perspective.
Published 1st February 2025 - Pre-order your copy now
Simple Living: being content with enough by David Watson
ISBN: 978-1-8381828-4-7
132 pages | Paperback
RRP £7.95 | $12.00
'In a world of inequality and excess, we need to know what it is to be content with enough.'
In this fourth book of the series, David Watson shows us how we can face the challenge to live simply and be content with enough.