Dr Janet Goodall is a retired consultant paediatrician at North Staffordshire Hospital Centre and New Mulago Hospital, Kampala, Uganda. A contributor to all editions of The Doctor’s Life Support, she is the author of many articles and several books including Children and Grieving (Scripture Union: 1995), The Shepherd is my Lord (CMF: 2007), The Doctor’s Life of Faith (CMF: 2014)
Complaining or Contented? by Janet Goodall
This little book is designed to explore some commonly heard complaints and to consider how the apostle Paul had learned not to grumble when troubles came his way.
ISBN: 978-1-8381828-0-9
102 pages | Paperback
RRP: UK: £6.95 | USA: $9.00
Gain from Pain: God’s purposes are always good by Janet Goodall
Essential reading for all those who face any kind of suffering and for those who walk beside them.
John Wyatt, emeritus professor of Paediatrics, University College Hospital, London
ISBN: 978-1-9997224-5-6
192 pages | Paperback
RRP: UK: £8.95 | USA: $12.00