Lindsay Hassall
His passion is to expand the Kingdom Culture in Commerce. He is currently involved within several thriving, expanding family businesses.
The Apostle Paul’s Three Days and Three Nights of Darkness by Lindsay Hassall
This book of fiction is based on truth.
ISBN: 978-1-8381828-2-3
223 pages | Paperback
RRP: UK: £7.95 USA: $12.00
Day by Day with the Bread and the Cup by Lindsay Hassall
A daily devotional that helps us to reflect on the power that God’s Covenant brings us in our daily lives.
ISBN: 978-1-8381828-1-6
109 pages | Paperback
RRP: UK: £6.95 USA: $9.00
Praying for Israel and the Jewish people in the last days by Lindsay Hassall
Christians everywhere are called to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Based on scripture, this daily devotional is to help you pray for God’s people, the Jews.
ISBN: 978-1-9997224-6-3
89 pages | Paperback
RRP: UK: £6.95 USA: $9.00
Day by Day: Healing Scriptures by Lindsay Hassall
We all want to talk with God but sometimes we find it difficult to find the right words.
We all want to walk in health but sometimes we find it difficult to do so.
This book helps us to do both by taking passages from the Bible and using them as the basis of our conversations with God.
ISBN: 978-0-9932090-9-3
78 pages | Paperback
RRP: UK: £6.95 USA: $9.00